What is a grant?

A grant is financial assistance given by charitable organisations (also known as grant-giving funds) or the government to people in need.  

Grants can be given as money, products or services that don't have to be paid back. 

Do I qualify?

Charitable funds

In general, you will have to be in financial need or on a low income. This may differ depending on the fund or charity providing the grant. 

Other conditions to get a grant from a fund might depend on things such as: 

  • Having particular disabilities or illnesses 
  • Working or previously having worked in specific jobs or industries 
  • Living in a particular area
  • Being of a particular age group 
  • Claiming any welfare benefits that you're entitled to. This means that if you might qualify for a benefit (Universal Credit, for example) but have chosen not to claim it for some reason, you could be turned down because of this.

Some funds also help the dependants of people their fund supports – e.g. their partners, ex-partners or dependant children.

Healthy Start and Sure Start maternity grants

If you’re more than 10 weeks pregnant or have a child under 4, you may be entitled to a Healthy Start Grant get help to buy healthy food and milk. If you’re eligible, you’ll be sent a Healthy Start card with money on it that you can use in some UK shops.

You may be entitled to get a one-off payment of £500 to help towards the costs of having a child. This is known as a Sure Start Maternity Grant.

Grants and No Recourse to Public Funds

If you cannot claim welfare benefits because of your status in the UK this does not stop you from applying for a charitable fund. This is because most funds help people who cannot claim benefits.

How do I find a grant?

Charitable funds

Turn2us, a national charity which aims to end financial insecurity in the UK, has kindly provided material for this page.

Turn2us provides an online grants search tool. You'll be asked a number of questions about your and your family's circumstances to match you with charities who may be able to help. All the information you give is anonymous and Turn2us do not share this with anyone.

Click the button below to start your search.

Use the Turn2us grants search tool now

Healthy Start and Sure Start maternity grants

To get help in applying for these grants, you can access the Hope4U financial advice service.

As well as being able to check your entitlement and supplying you forms to apply for these grants, Hope4U can:

  • check to see you're getting all the benefits you're entitled to
  • check your bills to see if you could be paying less for your gas and electricity
  • check your entitlement to a Warm Home Discount
  • check your eligibility to other grants
  • check your entitlement and register you on the Energy PSR (Priority Services Register), giving you priority support in an emergency such as a power cut

Help with energy costs

If you are finding it hard to pay your fuel bills or top up your pre-payment meter there is support available. As well as the funding provided by government you may be able to get help with certain benefits, grants and help offered by the energy suppliers.

You should always contact your supplier as they may be able to help.

  • If you are on a pre-payment meter and struggling to top-up, you may be able to get an emergency fuel voucher.
  • Warm Home Discount is a one-off payment of £140 applied directly to the electricity bills of eligible customers. See the government’s Warm Home Discount guidance to find out if you qualify.
  • The Groundwork Energy Help Resources Hub has tips for saving energy, keeping warm and reducing your household bills. Depending on your circumstances, you might also be able to get a  Green Doctor home visit or phone consultation. Enter your postcode on the website to find out more about this.
  • Winter Fuel Payment is an annual tax-free payment to help with heating costs for households with someone over Pension Credit age. See the government’s Winter Fuel Payment guidance to see if you qualify.
  • Cold Weather Payment - this is £25 a week for each 7-day period of very cold weather over winter. You may get a Cold Weather Payment if you’re getting certain benefits or Support for Mortgage Interest. See the government’s Cold Weather Payment guidance to see if you qualify.

Did you know?

You might be able to get extra help support from your supplier by signing up to the Priority Services Register. You can sign up to this if you have:

  • reached state pension age
  • you’re disabled or sick
  • or if your energy supplier considers you as ‘vulnerable’

Citizens Advice can help with registering you on the Priority Services Register, as well as helping you access any of the support listed in this section.

You can find more information on the Citizens Advice website or call 0808 278 7828.

Ask Bill is a free and impartial information source for people struggling with bills and money. It has helpful information on water and energy bills, debt and money advice plus home efficiency tips. Visit the Ask bill website to learn more.

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