Where can I find you?

Our main family hub is at Farcliffe, 56 Toller Lane, Bradford, BD8 8QH


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We also deliver services at the following locations:

  • St Edmund’s Nursery/Children's Centre, Washington Street, Girlington, BD8 9QW
  • Thornaby Hub, 115 Thornaby Drive, Clayton, BD14 6HP
  • City Library, Centenary Square, BD1 1SD
  • Midland Road Centre, Bateman Street, Manningham, Bradford, BD8 7DJ
  • New Church, Ashfield Avenue, Frizinghall, BD18 3AL
  • Cafe West, 1 Stead Crescent, Allerton, BD15 7PA
  • Bevan Wellbeing Centre, 14 Piccadilly, BD1 3LS
  • Abbey Green, Green Lane, Manningham, Bradford, BD8 8HT

Download a printable leaflet with this information here

Getting there – public transport and parking

Farcliffe Family Hub

Parking: There is a free car park for visitors, families and staff. If this is full, on-street parking is available nearby. Please be considerate of residents and pedestrians when parking on the street.

Nearby bus routes: From Bradford Interchange, catch the 620 or 621 heading to Haworth (get off the bus at Lilycroft School), or the 617 or 618 heading to Allerton (get off the bus at Fairbank Road).

Nearest train stations: Frizinghall (1.6 miles), Bradford Interchange (2 miles).

What's happening at West Family Hub?

Although we try hard to make sure everything on these pages and timetables is accurate, details of events can sometimes change at short notice. There might be cancellations because of, for example, bad weather or other emergencies. So if you're making a special trip, you might want to check with the hub or with the organisers beforehand.

Click here for our March 2025 timetable

Click here for our April 2025 timetable

Here's a quick overview of recent events:

School nurse parent drop-in – Support with eating, lifestyles, relationships, sleep issues and more.

Women’s chit chat group – drop-in for a warm drink, chat and peer support.

Sensory play room – a therapeutic space, perfect for children with SEND. Call us to book.

Clothes shack – a free drop-in clothes recycle shop.

Job Club (City Library) - free work clubs to learn IT skills,create/update your CV, look for jobs and more.

Great Minds Together - a free session for targeted families with children with SEND needs. The focus will be 'know yourself/ grow yourself' and activities will be around this theme. Call us for info.

CCST – for families with children with SEND. Call the hub for an appointment and more information.

Baby Clinic – drop in to have your baby weighed.

Manningham wellbeing Hub youth group - Outdoor forest sessions at Farcliffe. Bookable through Ali; 01274 594173 or Alii@equalitytogether.org.uk

Special Space Inclusion Group 11+ - Movie nights, trips, activities, gaming, food, arts and crafts and more. Bookable through Lukman 07890970716, Khuram 07971179676 or Margaret 07974623779.

Baby feeding support sessions - run every week by friendly experienced infant feeding practitioners with specialist support available. Any questions or concerns can be supported as well as every day feeding support. Breast pumps are available to borrow if you have seen a practitioner and there is a need identified. Drop in.

Study Stations - Now bookable through reception for everyone to use as a quiet space to work.

Legal Support - Drop in for free family law advice.

Special Pathways - supporting SEND Young people transitioning to Adulthood. Appointment only; call Special Pathways for further info on 0330 133 6358

Stay and Play - for 0-4s.

Locala - drop-in clinic for sexual health advice.

Mums, bumps and babies - a safe space for pregnant and new mums with babies to meet, share stories, make friends and learn about our Start for Life programmes! Tea, coffee and baby facilities available!

Tea Time club - Join us every Thursday from December, you and your children can enjoy board games and something warm to eat.
Booking essential; call us by 3pm on Tuesday

Meet your neighbourhood warden, PCSO and the police - talk about any local issues or queries.

SENDIASS - advice and support around various topics relating to Special Educational Needs and disabilities (SEND) for children and young people aged 0-25.

Farcliffe Read and Rhyme Room - The read and rhyme room can be booked for hourly sessions Monday to Friday between 10am and 3pm. This room is designed to encourage families to enjoy reading time with their children and to explore fantasies and many other genres instead of being stuck in front of technology. The read and rhyme room can also be booked by staff during the same time period to do direct work with families/parents as there also parenting books in the same room.

Meet your family navigators

We are the local family navigators for the West Family Hubs. We're happy to show you around our Family Hubs and introduce you to all the fantastic things we have going on for families in your area.

If you need any extra support, we're here to listen and signpost you to services that can help.

 Picture of Rukhsana   photo of family navigator Lyndsay   Family Navigator Maryam

Become a member of our Family Hubs now

You and your family can become members of our growing Family Hubs and Start for life community.

It is free to become a Bradford District Family hub member and by doing so you will receive all of this:

  • A Family Hubs and Start for Life goodie bag.
  • Collect Citizen Coin rewards to use and spend locally.
  • Get up to date information on our exciting family events and activities with our monthly newsletter.
  • Get information on how to access our free parenting groups, resources and workshops.
  • Access to helpful family support.
  • Opportunities to have your say on how we deliver our services to you and your family
  • Be part of our community - with coffee mornings, chit chat groups, youth spaces and much more. Just look at our timetables to see what's on!

Click here to join

Contact us

Call us on: 01274 436700

Email: Familyhubwest@bradfordcft.org.uk

Visit us on Facebook

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