Although we try hard to make sure everything on these pages and timetables is accurate, details of events can sometimes change at short notice. There might be cancellations because of, for example, bad weather or other emergencies. So if you're making a special trip, you might want to check with the hub or with the organisers beforehand.
Click here for our September 2024 timetable
Click here for our October 2024 timetable
Here's a quick overview of recent events and parenting programmes
Play and learn – our free play and learn sessions are open to all families with children 0-5. Enjoy fun activities songs and stories as well as tips to support your child's wellbeing and development at home.
School nurse parent drop-in – help with eating,lifestyles,relationships, emotions, body changes,growing up, sleeping and more. If you can’t come but still need help, call the school
nurses: 01274 221203.
Baby feeding support sessions - run every week from our friendly experienced infant feeding practitioners with specialist support available. Any questions or concerns can be supported as well as every day feeding support. Breast pumps are available to borrow if you have seen a practitioner and there is a need identified. Please do just drop in, no booking needed. We look forward to seeing you
Sensory room – Call or email us to book sessions at Rainbow. For sessions at Strong Close Nursery (Term Time) call 01535 605272. During school holidays contact Rainbow. For Owlets call 01274 436600.
SEND inclusive drop-in sessions - open to all parents,carers and their children. Includes multi sensory story time and access to a range of SEND resources to promote speech,language and sensory exploration.
Youth Club – for ages 11-19. A warm, safe and inviting space for young people with lots of activities on offer.
Wise Owls Language development advice drop-in - if you’re concerned about your 18m to 4 year old’s language development come get advice from our language development workers.
Parent Led SEND play - A parent-led play session for SEND, for families with children aged 6-11. Places are limited so please book your place by calling us.
Jump aboard - talk through concerns and how to support your child with an educational psychologist. Can help with autism,ADHD, speech & language,learning difficulties, social,emotional and sensory needs.
Portage play group - referral only; contact Christine on 07977160187 for details.
Baby Clinic - drop in to get your baby weighed
Maternity Circle - a safe and welcoming space for women planning pregnancy, pregnant women and new mothers,providing information on maternal health and wellbeing and parenting until baby is 2.
Children's Community Support Team (CCST) - appointment based support for families with children and young people with SEND. Referral only; contact Kelly on 07582109892 or Naina on 07582101003 for more info.
DWP supporting families employment advisor - Benefit advice, Jobs, Training & Education, Free Early Education and Childcare advice, Debts, Money Matters Advice, Domestic Abuse, Mental Health & Wellbeing, Drug & Alcohol, Family Support, School Attendance, Support with Foodbanks, plus much more.
Arts and crafts group - For adults and children aged 0-4 years.
Coffee Mornings - come and join us for a cuppa and a chat! This coffee morning is aimed at supporting parent's/carer's wellbeing.
Family Links Nurturing - supporting positive parenting and exploring emotional needs behind behaviour. For parents/carers of children 2-13.