Although we try hard to make sure everything on these pages and timetables is accurate, details of events can sometimes change at short notice. There might be cancellations because of, for example, bad weather or other emergencies. So if you're making a special trip, you might want to check with the hub or with the organisers beforehand.
Click here for our February 2025 timetable
Click here for our March 2025 timetable
Here's a quick overview of recent events:
Sensory Room - a therapeutic space for all families devoted to relaxing/developing the senses. Call to book.
SEND Parent/Carer’s Coffee Morning - a place for parent carers to share experiences and get support. Email or call 0808 501593 for more information.
Health Visitor, Baby and Midwife Clinics - including Clover midwife clinic. Appointment only; speak to your health visitor or midwife.
School Nurse Team - Support with eating, lifestyles,relationships, sleep issues and more. Drop In or call 01274 221203.
Jump Aboard educational psychologist team - Free appointment on topics such as Autism, ADHD, speech and language needs,learning difficulties, social emotional and sensory needs, signposting and info on SEND processes. To book an appointment please call 01274 437523.
50 things to do before you're 5 event - A free project for parents of children aged 0-5 across the district. A smart phone app offers 50 activities that will support communication development, access to the outdoors and a growing understanding of the world by having fun!
SEND Community Support Team - here for you to chat about difficulties you may have with your child/young person's behaviours/sleep difficulties.
Baby Feeding Support Sessions - run every week by friendly experienced infant feeding practitioners with specialist support available. Any questions or concerns can be supported as well as every day feeding support. Breast pumps are available to borrow if you have seen a practitioner and there is a need identified. Please do just drop in, no booking needed.
Maternity Circle - drop in, we run a wide range of sessions to support pregnant mums and those with children under 2.
Skills House - career advice, skills and training, job and apprenticeship search.
Maternity Smoking Cessation Support - appointments for pregnant smokers to support them to stop smoking in pregnancy and validate smoke free status to enable them to access the incentive scheme, which means they can get up to £400 Love2Shop vouchers for stopping smoking in pregnancy. Call us to book.