Mental Health and Well-Being after giving birth

mum kissing baby on head

Your Mental Health and Well-Being

Having a baby is a huge time of change, and there can be a mix of emotions from feeling overjoyed to feeling overwhelmed. It's completely normal to have all these feelings, often they can change from day to day. Caring for someone 24/7 is a big responsibility but remember you are not alone.

Some women fall in love with their babies straight away, and others it takes time to develop over the weeks. See our page on getting to know your baby for more help and information. 

Try to share any concerns with your partner, friends or family. Whatever you're worried about, don't bottle it up – you are important and there is help available if you need it.

Speak to your midwife, health visitor or GP about how you are feeling, you won't be judged but they will be able to direct you and help and support you may need.

Did you know?

Little Minds Matter provide a free group for mums, dads and carers who are struggling in their relationship with their child or children under two years old. You can access this support wherever you live in Bradford but the groups are usually held at Children's Centres in BD3 or BD5.

Circle of Security Groups are designed to give parents a 'map' for understanding and responding to their children’s emotional needs. We know that some parents struggle to build a consistent, warm and loving relationship with their baby. Circle of Security aims to help parents to promote healthy attachment relationships early in life.

The group provides 8 weekly sessions, each for two hours. Courses usually start in January, May and September

For more information, please watch the video below

If you would like more information, please contact:

07766 568 407

We are now accepting referrals for families to join our next Circle of Security Group.

Little Minds Matter

Having a baby can make you feel happy, sad, or worried. You might need support for lots of different reasons.

If you live in the Bradford district, Little Minds Matter can support you and your family to get the best possible start in life.

We are a small specialist team, with people from a range of backgrounds who can help you to:

  • Think about your relationship with your baby
  • Talk through concerns you may have about your baby
  • Consider the thoughts and experiences of your baby
  • Think about how your previous experiences are affecting you now
  • Build your enjoyment and confidence in being a parent

The team will try to see you face-to-face at a time and place that suits you, including home visits or clinics in community venues. If that’s not possible, they’ll arrange to contact you through video or phone.

How to contact Little Minds Matter

You can contact the team Monday to Friday for an initial friendly chat:

Tel: 07766 568407


You can also visit the Little Minds Matter webpage.

Family Action Perinatal Support Service

If you feel down, anxious or lonely during pregnancy, Family Action's Perinatal Support Service have peer supporters and trained volunteers with parenting and mental health experience who understand the challenges.

They can support your emotional health and wellbeing by providing a listening ear, offering advice and helping you take part in local groups and activities.

To find out more or request support, visit the Bradford Perinatal Support Service Facebook page, contact Family Action by email at, or call 07966 926849.


Some people have overwhelming feelings or feelings that just don’t go away, and this can be a sign of something more serious. If you're concerned about how you're feeling, you can always talk to your midwife or doctor, and they will be able to direct you to the help you need.

If you have a history of mental health issues and are pregnant, or have a baby under one your GP, midwife or health visitor can refer you to the Specialist Mother and Baby Mental Health Service.

You can also visit our other Mental Health and Well-Being pages which provide information if you need help more urgently, and all the local services that can support you.

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