Level 3 Targeted Support

The child’s needs are more complex and require an assessment to understand the range, depth or significance of the needs which may require a more intensive response. At level 3 the Lead Practitioner has assessed that a child or young person is not achieving outcomes with the support of the Team Around the Family or that their needs cannot be reasonably met through normally resourced local mainstream provision.

The child/family will be allocated a Family Support Worker, who will take over the role of Lead Practioner and as such will then chair/lead the TAF meetings.

Family Support Workers Role and Reponsibilities

  • A case is usually allocated to a FSW within 6 days of it being accepted in the locality team.
  • The FSW will carry out an initial home visit within 5 days.
  • Once a visit has taken place, consent will be obtained.
  • An assessment will be completed involving all family members and key agencies.
  • Family Support Coordinator will sign off the plan within 20 working days of allocation.
  • Team Around the Family reviews to take place every 8 weeks after the first meeting.
  • Work with the family continues for 3-6 months - dependent of level of need. Family support coordinator to assure that work remains active and purposeful throughout but particularly for families open for 5 months.
  • Final TAF meeting to be held before case is closed - a Lead Practioner will be identified and agreed at this meeting

If the level of need increases

  • Within TAF meetings the level of need will be reviewed and there will be a multi-agency decision as to whether the child/family need to be referred to a Level 4 statutory response from Childrens Social Care.
  • At any point a Family Support Worker can decide to attend an allocation meeting with Childrens Social Care to discuss the needs to step-up the case to Childrens Social Care.
  • If a professional within the TAF disagrees with a decision not to increase the response to Level 4 statutory response, there is a mechanism in place to escalate their concerns.

If the level decreases

Within TAF meetings the level of need will be reviewed and there will be a multi-agency decision as to whether the child/family can be stepped down to Level 2. They would agree a Lead Practitioner and follow steps for a Level 2 response.

If the child/family's needs are fully met, they may decide that it's appropriate to close the case.

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