Level 1 Universal

Level 1 Universal

Children who make good overall progress in all areas of universal development and receive appropriate universal services. Mainstream community services provided to all – e.g. Education, GP’s, dentist and the Healthy Child programme.

Child or young person with no identified additional needs or needs.

What you will need to do to support the child/young person and their family

  • If your agency can meet the child’s needs, follow your own agency’s procedures for support, delivery and review.
  • If your agency is unable to meet the child’s needs consult with the appropriate universal service/agency that could meet the need, and either signpost/make a referral with consent of the family.

Good Practice

Practitioners should always seek to discuss their concerns with the child’s family (and if appropriate, directly with the young person) to let them know what is going on and how you are trying to help. You will need to gain consent to share information to access support. Families may also be able to explain, assist or resolve the issues themselves using the resources available.

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