Level 3 Targeted Support

The child’s needs are more complex and require an assessment to understand the range, depth or significance of the needs which may require a more intensive response. At level 3 the Lead Practitioner has assessed that a child or young person is not achieving outcomes with the support of the Team Around the Family or that their needs cannot be reasonably met through normally resourced local mainstream provision.

The child/family will be allocated a Family Support Worker, who will take over the role of Lead Practitioner and as such will then chair/lead the Team Around the Family (TAF) meetings.

How to refer a child/family

Bradford Children’s Services now has a dedicated practitioners’ advice and referral contact number.

Before making a referral

Prior to making a referral, all practitioners need to:

  • Speak with their Safeguarding Lead within their own organisation
  • Ask themselves “Have I/we done everything I/we can to help and support the family?”
  • Refer to the Continuum of Need document 

Call 01274 433999 if you want to seek support for a child, young person and their family.

Opening hours:

Monday to Thursday 8.30am to 5.00pm
Fridays 8.30am to 4.30pm

Once a case is allocated you will be given a name and direct contact details of the worker supporting the family.

Family Support Workers Role and Reponsibilities

Timescales for contact

  • A case is usually allocated to a Family Support Worker (FSW) within 48 hours of it being accepted in the locality team.
  • Within 5 working days the FSW will make a phone call to the parent/carer and a date for the first home visit will be arranged. The visit should take place within a 2-week period (10 working days).
  • The frequency of visits to the family will vary depending on need.  All families should be visited at least every 3 weeks, whilst families with more complex needs may benefit from more than one visit per week.

Timescales for assessments and meetings

  • An assessment will be completed within 45 days of allocation.
  • The first Team Around the Family (TAF) meeting needs to be held within 8 weeks of allocation, to agree the assessment and plan with the family and to ensure that the other professionals involved are clear on their actions and responsibilities in the plan.
  • TAF meetings should be 8 weekly thereafter.
  • Final TAF meeting to be held before case is closed - a Lead Practitioner will be identified and agreed at this meeting.

If the level of need increases

  • Within TAF meetings the level of need will be reviewed and there will be a multi-agency decision as to whether the child/family need to be referred to a Level 4 statutory response from Childrens Social Care.
  • At any point a Family Support Worker can decide to attend an allocation meeting with Childrens Social Care to discuss the needs to step-up the case to Childrens Social Care.
  • If a professional within the TAF disagrees with a decision not to increase the response to Level 4 statutory response, there is a mechanism in place to escalate their concerns.

If the level decreases

Within TAF meetings the level of need will be reviewed and there will be a multi-agency decision as to whether the child/family can be stepped down to Level 2. They would agree a Lead Practitioner and follow steps for a Level 2 response.

If the child/family's needs are fully met, they may decide that it's appropriate to close the case.

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