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Level 2 Universal Partnership Plus
A child/family with additional needs who would benefit from extra help in order to make the best of their life chances. Their needs can be met through your agency working jointly with another agency.
The Early Help Assessment Tool (EHAT) is used for gathering information and a standard approach in assessment for the identification of Early Help needs. This is based on discussions with children and their families and other practitioners as appropriate.
The Lead Practitioner is the named professional, identified as the person who will be the family’s main point of contact while they need a coordinated Early Help package of support.
The Lead Practitioner will coordinate a Team Around the Family (TAF) meeting and share information (with consent) with other agencies. The Lead Practitioner draws on the people who already work with them and the family for more targeted support.
What you will need to do to support the child/young person and their family
- If you have access to the Early Help Module (EHM) check if an EHA has already been initiated by a different agency. If yes, contact the Lead Practitioner and discuss your concerns.
- Alternatively contact your Early Help Coordinator/or call Children's Switchboard on 01274 433999 and check if an EHA been initiated by a different agency. If yes, contact the Lead Practitioner and discuss your concerns.
- If no EHA has been registered, you should discuss the needs with the child and their family and gain their consent to start an Early Help Assessment.
- Alternatively, you should identify who you and the family think is the right person to complete the EHA with them.
If you are identified as the Lead Practitioner for the family, please see the tools/resources below which will support you.
Who will support you
When you are identified as a Lead Practitioner, an Early Help Coordinator, based in one of the Family Hubs around the Bradford District, will support you in a number of ways:
- One to one support
- Support to access information, advice and guidance from specialist services
- Support to prepare and hold Lead Practitioner meetings
- Training and courses