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Early Help Pathway
Early Help Pathway
In order to understand the level of support required by a child or young person and their family in the Bradford district, we use the Bradford Need and Risk Identification Tool
At any time if you think a child or a young person is at immediate risk of significant harm, contact the Integrated Front Door (IFD) on 01274 433999 or our emergency duty team on 01274 431010. In an emergency call 999.

Universal Level 1
- A child with no identified additional needs.
- Needs that can be met by universal services.
- For more information see Level 1 Universal of the Early Help pathway
Level 2 – Universal Partnership Plus
- A child with an additional need who would benefit from extra help in order to make the best of their life chances.
- The child’s needs can be met through your agency or by working jointly another agency.
- For tools and templates please see the Level 2 Universal Partnership Plus page of the Early Help Pathway
Level 3 – Targeted Support
- The child’s needs are more complex and require an assessment to understand the range, depth or significance of the needs which may require a more intensive response.
- Children whose health and/or development is being impaired or there is a high risk of significant impairment
- For tools and templates please see the Level 3 Targeted Support page of the Early Help Pathway.
Level 4 - Statutory/Specialist
- The child’s needs are complex and enduring.
- The child is experiencing/or is likely to experience significant harm, and a statutory response is required.
- For tools and templates please see the Level 4 Statutory page of the Early Help Pathway.