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Parenting and family programmes
Here in the Bradford District, we have a fantastic offer of FREE support, online and in person, and available to everyone. Support ranges from pregnancy through to life with babies, toddlers, older children, and for teens and beyond!
We aim to support parents and carers to develop the knowledge, confidence and skills to build a strong, happy, thriving family life. All parents have questions and worries. You can get support and answers here through:
- online courses that you can access 'on demand', day or night, pause and come back to whenever suits you.
- groups that you can attend 'live' with other people or families, delivered both online and in person, and at times that suit you.
There is no limit to accessing the free support available. You can choose what feels right for you and your family.
Are you here because you want to know more about our free In Our Place library of courses for parents, parents to be, teens, carers, grandparents and adults?
You can sign up now using the free code BDPARENTS In Our Place
Do you already know which programme you would like to apply for? A-Z of parenting programmes

During pregnancy
FREE online, self-guided programmes from In Our Place. These can be accessed day or night whenever suits you. Use the code BDPARENTS to access any course.
In Our Place antenatal programme
In Our Place antenatal programme for women couples
Local antenatal programmes delivered by the Parent Education midwives from the Bradford Royal Infirmary and Airedale General Hospital. They are held virtually, including evenings and weekends.
Baby Steps is delivered by Action for Children and is a combination of home visits and friendly online group sessions to help families feel happier, healthier and more confident as they look forward to meeting and caring for their new baby.
The Becoming a New Family Workshop is delivered by HENRY in group settings held both virtually and at places in the community that suit you. Parents to be will develop the confidence, knowledge and skills they need to navigate life with a new baby.
Ready to Relate helps you understand your amazing baby so you can build a satisfying and enjoyable relationship together. The website has self-care activities and techniques to help you, including an online toolkit. Just ask your midwife, health visitor or family hub for more information and the password.

Families with babies
In Our Place are FREE online, self-guided courses that can be accessed day or night, whenever suits you. They include courses for families who have had a premature and/or poorly baby.
The Becoming a New Family Workshop is delivered by HENRY in group settings held both virtually and at places in the community that suit you. Parents will develop the confidence, knowledge and skills they need to navigate life with a new baby.
Starting Solids is delivered by HENRY in group settings online. For parents/carers of babies aged between 0-8 months old, whether you're about to or have already started baby on solid foods.
Time Out For Dads is for dads and step-dads live with children aged 0-19 years old. These group sessions will help to increase confidence, build relationships and provide ways to help deal with conflict.
Circle of Security is delivered by Little Minds Matter and helps parents to build a consistent, warm and loving relationship with their baby/child.
Baby Massage Supported by Little Minds Matter can help to strengthen the bond between parent/carer and baby as well as boosting confidence in parenting and helping to settle baby.
Ready to Relate helps you understand your amazing baby so you can build a satisfying and enjoyable relationship together. The website has self-care activities and techniques to help you, including an online toolkit. Just ask your midwife, health visitor or family hub for more information and the password.
Home-Start Bradford and Home Start Craven provide emotional support and practical advice to families with a child under 5. Trained volunteers visit the family weekly.

Families with children under 5
In Our Place offer FREE online, self-guided programmes that can be accessed day or night, whenever suits you. They include courses for families who have children with additional needs.
Family Links is a fun and nurturing programme for parents/carers of children aged 2-13 years old. Learning about child's behavior, finding ways to respond and understanding the importance of taking care of yourself.
Time Out For Dads is for dads and step-dads with children from 0-19 years old. From increasing confidence to building relationships to dealing with conflict.
Incredible Years Pre-School delivered by Barnardos, is for families with a child aged 3 or 4 who would like support around child attachment, speech and language development, routines, boundaries and positive social interactions.
Circle of Security is delivered by Little Minds Matter and helps parents to build a consistent, warm and loving relationship with their baby and child up to the age of two.
Home-Start Bradford and Home Start Craven provide emotional support and practical advice to families with a child under 5. Trained volunteers visit the family weekly.

Families with children 5-10
In Our Place offer FREE online, self-guided programmes. These can be accessed day or night, whenever suits you. They include courses for families who have children with additional needs.
Family Links is a fun and nurturing programme for parents/carers of children aged 2-13 years old. Learning about child's behavior, finding ways to respond and understanding the importance of taking care of yourself.
Time Out For Dads is for dads and step-dads with children from 0-19 years old. From increasing confidence to building relationships to dealing with conflict.
Who's In Charge is for parents and carers of children from 8 to 18 years of age, who are abusive or violent towards them or who appear out of parental control.
The DART programme delivered by the Brathay Trust, helps mums and their children (aged 7-14) to strengthen their relationship once they are no longer living with domestic abuse.

Families with children 11+
In Our Place offer FREE online, self-guided programmes. These can be accessed day or night, whenever suits you. They include courses for families who have teens, pre-teens and children with additional needs.
Family Links is a fun and nurturing programme for parents/carers of children aged 2-13 years old. Learning about child's behavior, finding ways to respond and understanding the importance of taking care of yourself.
Time Out For Dads is for dads and step-dads with children from 0-19 years old. From increasing confidence to building relationships to dealing with conflict.
Who's In Charge is for parents and carers of children from 8 to 18 years of age, who are abusive or violent towards them, or appear out of parental control.
DICE is a support programme for parents and carers, to raise their awareness about the risks of exploitation. It covers topics such as the teenage brain, the grooming process, online dangers and top-tips for parents/carers.
Talking Teens is for parents/carers of children aged 11 to 18. Find support with communicating with your teenager, to building your relationship, increasing your confidence and ways to manage behavior.
The DART programme delivered by the Brathay Trust, helps mums and their children (aged 7-14) to strengthen their relationship once they are no longer living with domestic abuse.

Families of children with SEND
FREE online, self-guided programmes from In Our Place. Complete day or night whenever suits you. Use code BDPARENTS to access.
Understanding your child with additional needs
Moving to secondary school - child with additional needs
The Portage Service is for pre-school children with additional needs and their families. Portage sessions can take place at home or in a group.
The Early Bird programme supports parents/carers with children under 5 who are awaiting a diagnosis of autism. The programme is a combination of online and in person sessions.
The SEND together programme is for parents with children with SEND who do not have an autism diagnosis. The virtual program takes place over 3 x three hour sessions and helps you to understand you child/young persons sensory needs, communication differences and support their behaviour.
Cygnet core programme for parents and carers of children aged between 5-18 years with a diagnosis of autism. Connect with others who share similar experiences, develop further understanding of autism and gathering practical solutions to support you.
Cygnet Siblings Workshop can be attended after the core programme. It offers parents and carers the space to reflect, consider and focus on the siblings of children and young people with autism.
Cygnet Puberty, Sex and Relationships can be attended after the core programme. It is for parents of children with autism aged between 7-18. Develop your understanding and confidence relating to puberty, sexual well being and relationships.

For young people
Are you a teenager or about to become one? Then you're in the right place!
We have two FREE online courses that can help you understand what is happening at this point in your life.
You can access this course whenever suits you. Use the code BDPARENTS to access these courses.

Adults, relationships and trauma
FREE online, self-guided programmes from In Our Place. These can be accessed day or night whenever suits you. Use code BDPARENTS to access.
Understanding your relationships
Relationships Matter provide several FREE online programmes for both parents/carers who live together and are struggling with their relationship, to those who co-parent and live apart.
The Freedom programme for women over the age of 16 who might be in or are recovering from an abusive or controlling relationship.
During pregnancy
During pregnancy
FREE online, self-guided programmes from In Our Place. These can be accessed day or night whenever suits you. Use the code BDPARENTS to access any course.
In Our Place antenatal programme
In Our Place antenatal programme for women couples
Local antenatal programmes delivered by the Parent Education midwives from the Bradford Royal Infirmary and Airedale General Hospital. They are held virtually, including evenings and weekends.
Baby Steps is delivered by Action for Children and is a combination of home visits and friendly online group sessions to help families feel happier, healthier and more confident as they look forward to meeting and caring for their new baby.
Preparation for Parenthood and Becoming a New Family are delivered by HENRY in group settings held both virtually and at places in the community that suit you. Parents to be will develop the confidence, knowledge and skills they need to navigate pregnancy and life with a new baby.
Ready to Relate helps you understand your amazing baby so you can build a satisfying and enjoyable relationship together. The website has self-care activities and techniques to help you, including an online toolkit. Just ask your midwife, health visitor or family hub for more information and the password.
Families with babies
Families with babies
In Our Place are FREE online, self-guided courses that can be accessed day or night, whenever suits you. They include courses for families who have had a premature and/or poorly baby.
Time Out For Dads is for dads and step-dads live with children aged 0-19 years old. These group sessions will help to increase confidence, build relationships and provide ways to help deal with conflict.
Circle of Security is delivered by Little Minds Matter and helps parents to build a consistent, warm and loving relationship with their baby/child.
Ready to Relate helps you understand your amazing baby so you can build a satisfying and enjoyable relationship together. The website has self-care activities and techniques to help you, including an online toolkit. Just ask your midwife, health visitor or family hub for more information and the password.
Home-Start Bradford and Home Start Craven provide emotional support and practical advice to families with a child under 5. Trained volunteers visit the family weekly.
Families with children under 5
Families with children under 5
In Our Place offer FREE online, self-guided programmes that can be accessed day or night, whenever suits you. They include courses for families who have children with additional needs.
Family Links is a fun and nurturing programme for parents/carers of children aged 2-13 years old. Learning about child's behavior, finding ways to respond and understanding the importance of taking care of yourself.
Time Out For Dads is for dads and step-dads with children from 0-19 years old. From increasing confidence to building relationships to dealing with conflict.
Incredible Years Pre-School delivered by Barnardos, is for families with a child aged 3 or 4 who would like support around child attachment, speech and language development, routines, boundaries and positive social interactions.
Circle of Security is delivered by Little Minds Matter and helps parents to build a consistent, warm and loving relationship with their baby and child up to the age of two.
Home-Start Bradford and Home Start Craven provide emotional support and practical advice to families with a child under 5. Trained volunteers visit the family weekly.
Families with children 5-10
Families with children 5-10
In Our Place offer FREE online, self-guided programmes. These can be accessed day or night, whenever suits you. They include courses for families who have children with additional needs.
Family Links is a fun and nurturing programme for parents/carers of children aged 2-13 years old. Learning about child's behavior, finding ways to respond and understanding the importance of taking care of yourself.
Time Out For Dads is for dads and step-dads with children from 0-19 years old. From increasing confidence to building relationships to dealing with conflict.
Who's In Charge is for parents and carers of children from 8 to 18 years of age, who are abusive or violent towards them or who appear out of parental control.
The DART programme delivered by the Brathay Trust, helps mums and their children (aged 7-14) to strengthen their relationship once they are no longer living with domestic abuse.
Families with children 11+
Families with children 11+
In Our Place offer FREE online, self-guided programmes. These can be accessed day or night, whenever suits you. They include courses for families who have teens, pre-teens and children with additional needs.
Family Links is a fun and nurturing programme for parents/carers of children aged 2-13 years old. Learning about child's behavior, finding ways to respond and understanding the importance of taking care of yourself.
Time Out For Dads is for dads and step-dads with children from 0-19 years old. From increasing confidence to building relationships to dealing with conflict.
Who's In Charge is for parents and carers of children from 8 to 18 years of age, who are abusive or violent towards them, or appear out of parental control.
DICE is a support programme for parents and carers, to raise their awareness about the risks of exploitation. It covers topics such as the teenage brain, the grooming process, online dangers and top-tips for parents/carers.
Talking Teens is for parents/carers of children aged 11 to 18. Find support with communicating with your teenager, to building your relationship, increasing your confidence and ways to manage behavior.
The DART programme delivered by the Brathay Trust, helps mums and their children (aged 7-14) to strengthen their relationship once they are no longer living with domestic abuse.
Families of children with SEND
Families of children with SEND
FREE online, self-guided programmes from In Our Place. Complete day or night whenever suits you. Use code BDPARENTS to access.
Understanding your child with additional needs
Moving to secondary school - child with additional needs
The Portage Service is for pre-school children with additional needs and their families. Portage sessions can take place at home or in a group.
The Early Bird programme supports parents/carers with children under 5 who are awaiting a diagnosis of autism. The programme is a combination of online and in person sessions.
The SEND together programme is for parents with children with SEND who do not have an autism diagnosis. The virtual program takes place over 3 x three hour sessions and helps you to understand you child/young persons sensory needs, communication differences and support their behaviour.
Cygnet core programme for parents and carers of children aged between 5-18 years with a diagnosis of autism. Connect with others who share similar experiences, develop further understanding of autism and gathering practical solutions to support you.
Cygnet Siblings Workshop can be attended after the core programme. It offers parents and carers the space to reflect, consider and focus on the siblings of children and young people with autism.
Cygnet Puberty, Sex and Relationships can be attended after the core programme. It is for parents of children with autism aged between 7-18. Develop your understanding and confidence relating to puberty, sexual well being and relationships.
For young people
For young people
Are you a teenager or about to become one? Then you're in the right place!
We have two FREE online courses that can help you understand what is happening at this point in your life.
You can access this course whenever suits you. Use the code BDPARENTS to access these courses.
Adults, relationships and trauma
Adults, relationships and trauma
FREE online, self-guided programmes from In Our Place. These can be accessed day or night whenever suits you. Use code BDPARENTS to access.
Understanding your relationships
Relationships Matter provide several FREE online programmes for both parents/carers who live together and are struggling with their relationship, to those who co-parent and live apart.
The Freedom programme for women over the age of 16 who might be in or are recovering from an abusive or controlling relationship.