A - Z of parenting programmes

Baby Steps (for expectant parents)

Welcoming a baby into the world can be very exciting but it also has its challenges, it can leave you feeling worried, anxious and alone. The Baby Steps programme aims to help parents prepare for all the changes coming their way.

Baby Steps is an online programme delivered by Action for Children.

You can apply via our simple online form, after applying if you need any further help or support you can contact them by:

Suitable for

Following additional funding from the Family Hubs Start for Life programme anyone living in the Bradford district can now apply if either mum or the family:

  • have low-level mental health problems
  • have learning difficulties
  • lack strong social or support networks
  • are a victim of domestic abuse, or have been in the past
  • are suffering with substance misuse, or have done in the past
  • are aged 20 or under
  • are in the care system, or have been in the past
  • experience poor living conditions or severe financial hardship
  • are homeless
  • chaotic lifestyle and/or moves around a lot
  • are not in education, employment or training
  • have difficulty reading, speaking or understanding English
  • are from particularly disadvantaged or isolated minority ethnic communities
  • are recent migrants, asylum seekers, refugees
  • are gypsies or travellers
  • are or have been offenders
  • children have a social worker
  • children have been taken in to care 

Programme aims

Baby Steps focuses on the move to parenthood, the relationship between parents and developing a healthy positive relationship between parents and their babies.

Programme length

The programme starts anywhere from week 26 to week 30 of pregnancy. There are 4 online sessions before birth and 2 after. Each session is 1.5 hours per week.

What the sessions cover

Before birth:

Session 1: How our babies develop, our health and well-being
Session 2: Transition to parenthood
Session 3: Labour and birth
Session 4: Caring for and meeting our babies

After giving birth:

Visit after giving birth which includes gifts for mum, baby and siblings

Session 5: Welcoming our babies
Session 6: Bonding with our babies and our family's future

Our groups

Your group will be made up of other couples and single mums at a similar stage of pregnancy. It will be run by a children's practitioner and a qualified midwife.

The group is friendly, comfortable and designed to give you and your baby the support you need to begin your life together.

Here’s what other parents said after the programme

Mum aged 18:

Baby Steps has helped me with my confidence and provided me with information that I still use to this day. You have made me feel so welcome and comfortable throughout the programme, and I hope new mothers-to-be benefit from the programme like I have. 


We were having our first baby, my wife was new to the country, we had no family or friends. Baby Steps supported us emotionally and helped us understand what to expect when having a baby in the UK. We made a friend who lives locally and helps my wife to socialise in the community. We felt so comfortable by attending the group, it was a great learning experience for us. We learnt the importance of parenting responsibilities, and how we can make a positive difference in our child's life.

How to apply

Click here to apply now

DICE (raising awareness of child exploitation)

DICE is a support programme for parents and carers to raise awareness about the risks of exploitation.

Suitable for

Parents and carers whereby their child may be at risk of exploitation.

What the sessions cover

  • the teenage brain
  • exploitation and the grooming process
  • digital dangers
  • parenting top tips and support networks

Programme length

2 hour sessions weekly for 4 weeks.

Here’s what other parents said after the programme

Parent A:

“By attending the DICE programme it helped us to understand the risks and danger my children could face. By having this knowledge, I can support my children to understand also. I have also learnt about building positive relationship with my children e.g. talking time out to spend time with them and taking interest in what they are doing.

Parent B:

“I was taken back about how many people were in the group and how many people the subject affected. There were men on their own there and it was nice to see the men participating and nice to see that everyone could put in their own points. Although we were virtual I felt that not just me but everyone had the chance to talk and express themselves, it was never rushed.”

Parent C:

“I am more aware and now have conversations with my children about if anyone tries to add them on anything then they need to come to me, they won’t be in trouble but I need to know who is trying to talk to them and block them/report it if necessary. I would tell parents thinking about doing the course, to just do it! It is a very helpful programme and you will learn a lot and don’t think you know everything because you don’t until you have done the DICE programme and you will learn you are not alone…”

How to apply

Click here to apply now 

Family Links Nurturing Programme

A fun and nurturing programme for parents of children aged between 2 and 13 years old.  It benefits both adults and children by:

  • promoting emotional literacy and emotional health
  • raising self-esteem
  • developing communication and social skills
  • teaching positive ways to resolve conflict
  • providing effective strategies to encourage co-operative responsible behaviour
  • managing challenging behaviour in children
  • offers insights into the influence of feelings on behaviour
  • encourages adults to take time to look after themselves.

 What the sessions cover

  • ages and stages in child development
  • managing feelings and communicating them clearly
  • problem solving and negotiating
  • how to give children choices and consequences
  • setting boundaries and limits
  • behaviours to ignore and giving praise
  • exploring the 'time out…to calm down' method
  • the importance of raising our self-esteem and nurturing ourselves
  • kinds of touch and appropriate ways to discipline children
  • how to talk to children about sex
  • helping children stay safe, including the dangers of the internet and social media.

Programme length

2-hour session per week for 10 weeks.

Here’s what other parents said after the programme

Parent A:

“I really appreciated the personal stories from Hinda and Yasmin the course leaders, and the other participants. I felt like I wasn’t alone struggling! The examples of ‘what not to do’ were really familiar and the examples of ‘what to try’ seemed really obvious but I hadn’t made the connections before the course. The course helped me understand why my kids, and then me and my partner, were reacting negatively, and then how to try positive discipline.

Parent B:

“The course tutors listen, are encouraging and make you feel comfortable.  You’ll find out ideas to help understand your kid's behaviour better, help understand your own parenting style, and how to help the whole family communicate better. The course has been a massively useful wakeup call and I plan to try the techniques we learnt from now on."

How to apply

Click here to apply now 

Freedom Programme for Women

The Freedom Programme is for women over the age of 16 who might be in or recovering from an abusive or controlling relationship. It helps women to gain self-esteem and the confidence to improve the quality of their lives. The programme helps women to:

  • make sense what is happening or has happened to them
  • recognise the characteristics and early warning signs of abusers and abusive relationships.
  • Understand how children are affected by being exposed to this kind of abuse and very importantly how their lives are improved when the abuse is removed.

What the sessions cover

  • understanding the beliefs held by abusive and controlling partners
  • recognising the effects of controlling and abusive relationships
  • identifying potential abusers, keeping yourself and family safe
  • starting to feel more confident and meeting people in a similar situation
  • understanding the impact of domestic abuse on children

Programme length

2-hour session per week for 12 weeks.

Here’s what other parents said after the programme

Parent A:

“Through the course I was able to start removing the blame from myself, and know that what happened wasn’t because of me or what I did. I was able to learn that just as much as I need space, my kids need their own space to feel safe as-well so was able to give them that. For other parents I would say it’s an eye opening experience and very valuable it has given me the key pieces of information for my own future relationships”.

Parent B:

“I would recommend anyone that has been subject to an abusive relationship to attend as it helps you understand it was not your fault, why the abuser does what they do (again it’s not your fault). It helps you understand the different types of abuse in great detail and most importantly prepares you to recognise these early warning signs. I cannot thank Kersty and Ria enough for everything they have done, they have been a fantastic support and I am forever grateful.”

Parent C:

“I have just finished the Freedom course and through the course I learned so much about the different things an abuser does, things I didn’t know existed until completing the course. My life has changed, I’m a happier and more confident person. I have two new great friends in my life that make me feel loved and are always there for me. I’ve just had a great weekend away with friends and my son and he is a lot happier seeing the change in me. I also have applied for a new job and I am very excited about it”.

How to apply

Click here to apply now

HENRY Preparation for Parenthood (for expectant parents)

A FREE 6-session programme helping you prepare for the arrival of your baby. It's designed to give expectant parents the confidence, knowledge and skills they need as they navigate the changes of pregnancy and life with a new baby.

Following funding from the Family Hubs Start for Life programme, anyone who is pregnant and living in the Bradford district can apply. Partners, friends or family are encouraged to attend alongside expectant mothers.

What the sessions cover

  • attitudes and skills for pregnancy and life with a new baby
  • creating a healthy lifestyle for the whole family
  • providing the best environment possible for the developing baby 
  • before and after birth
  • developing a positive attitude to change
  • understanding the emotional needs of parents and newborns and building emotional well-being
  • increased self-belief and enhanced self-esteem

Programme length

2 hour session for 6 weeks

Our groups

We run face to face groups at venues across the district or online. Our next course start dates and venues are:

  • 6th November, 6.30pm to 8.30pm - The Hive Silsden
  • 7th November, 10.00am-12.00pm - Barkerend (East Family Hub)
  • 12th November, 1.00 to 2.45pm - Online
  • 13th January 2025, 9.30 to 11.15am - Online
  • Rainbow (Keighley/Shipley Family Hub) Date/time TBC

Here’s what other parents said after the programme


“When I started using this service I was anxious and didn't really know what to expect. I have come away with a wealth of knowledge which has in turn made me more confident and feel that all my needs were met.”


 “Amazing information that I will keep, expectations that I'm human and can only do my best.” 


“It allowed me to dedicate time to the topics discussed and learnt new information on subsequent pregnancy. I'd recommend this to other expectant parents without hesitation.” 

Apply now

You can apply by completing our simple online form

Click here to apply now

After applying if you need any further help or support you can contact HENRY by:

HENRY Becoming a new family workshop

A FREE 2-hour workshop that will help families and expectant parents prepare for the changes that will take place when becoming a new family. It normalises the range of feelings, looks at expectations of family life and builds confidence and strategies for becoming a new family.

Suitable for

Following funding from the Family Hubs Start for Life programme anyone who lives in the Bradford district and is about to have a family or has very recently become a family.

This workshop can be attended in addition to ‘Preparing for parenthood’, or as a stand-alone session.

What the session covers

  • Identify typical changes they might experience when becoming a new parent
  • Learn that experiencing a wide range of emotions is perfectly normal
  • Understand how feelings affect behaviour and identify underlying needs
  • Explore different ways to cope with the changes of becoming a new family

Workshop length

One off workshop for 2 hours

Our workshops

We run face to face groups at venues across the district or online. Our next course start dates and venues are:

  • 31st October, 10am to 12 noon - Barkerend (East Family Hub)
  • 14th November, 1pm to 2.45pm - TFD Centre (South Family Hub baby circle group)

Here’s what other parents said after the workshop


I really liked the Iceberg chart and understanding how feelings and behaviour are linked."

Apply now

You can apply by completing our simple online form

Click here to apply now

After applying if you need any further help or support you can contact HENRY by:

HENRY Understanding children’s behaviour workshop

A FREE 2-hour workshop that will help parents/carers not only understand their child's behavior but develop ways of coping and positive ways to respond. You will also meet other parents/carers who have similar experiences.

Suitable for

Following funding from the Family Hubs Start for Life programme anyone who lives in the Bradford district and has a child(ren) can apply.

Workshop aims

The focus will be on supporting parents and carers to work together to share experiences and develop practical coping strategies that will promote children's health and wellbeing.

What the session covers

  • Understanding of the effect of feelings on behaviour and the link between feelings and needs
  • Increased understanding of the importance of listening to children
  • Knowledge of empathy
  • Increased confidence as a parent gained by sharing ideas in the group
  • Greater awareness of own strengths and resourcefulness
  • Experience of being in a supportive group that will encourage parents to make changes in their own lives

Workshop length

One off workshop for 2 hours

Our workshops

We run face to face groups at venues across the district or online.

Here’s what other parents said after the workshop


“I have really engaged with the reason behind why children behave the way they do,and this will help me to deal with my child's behaviour in future, by understanding why he is feeling and behaving in a certain way. I plan to engage empathy towards my child when he is having his tantrums or displaying bad behaviour, and choose different ways of dealing with it, and showing him I understand him, instead of letting myself become frustrated."

Apply now

You can apply by completing our simple online form

Click here to apply now

After applying if you need any further help or support you can contact HENRY by:

Incredible Years Preschool (parent/child development)

The program looks at strengthening positive parent-child interactions and attachment. It promotes positive children’s social, emotional and language development through praise and encouragement.

About this programme

Following additional funding from the Family Hubs Start for Life programme Incredible Years Preschool is delivered across the Bradford district by Barnardos.

You can apply via our simple online form, after applying if you need any further help or support you can contact them by:

Suitable for

Any family who would like support around child attachment, speech and language development, routines, boundaries and positive social interactions and:

  • have a child aged 3 or 4 years
  • live in the Bradford district
  • are not currently taking part in another parenting programme such as Family Links Nurturing Programme.

Programme aims

The program looks at strengthening positive parent-child interactions and attachment. Promotes positive children’s social, emotional, and language development through praise and encouragement.

What the sessions cover

  • Child directed play - Promote positive relationships
  • Promoting child language development - With child directed coaching
  • Social and emotional understanding - Encourage expression of feelings
  • Praise and encouragement - To help increase confidence
  • Motivate children through spontaneous incentives - by identifying positive behaviour
  • Establish clear routines - Rules, responsibilities and routines
  • Handling misbehaviour and problem solving - Teaching children to problem solve through stories and games

Programme length

16 week programme with each session being 2 hours.

Our groups

The session will be delivered in person at venues across the Bradford district.  You can attend with or without your child as a creche can be provided. 

We include refreshments and some lovely resources that you can use at home with your child. 

Where required, transport can be provided.

Here’s what other parents said after the programme

Parent A:

I have learnt a lot from this course overall its a great experience for me and my child. The course has given me confidence and a great boost at being a parent. The tutors that are running the course never judge me or anyone. My son has learnt a lot with the activities that were given on the course, and he has learnt how to share things. The buddy group has helped me with advice on parent skills and much more.

Parent B:

I would recommend this course to anyone raising a child. It has transformed my relationship with my kids! Incredible Years has been fantastic and my children are much happier. Tt has helped me to see how my children see things, so I can help them to express things in a better way. It has helped me to work though my sons separation anxiety and he now walks into nursery on  his own and settles happily. The course has made me more confident, and less anxious about how I am coping with parenthood.

How to apply

Click here to apply now 

In Our Place

In Our Place offer free access to self-guided online courses expertly designed for parents, carers, grandparents and teens living in the region. The courses can be accessed day or night, whenever suits you.

Sign up to understand your child’s feelings, as well as your own, as you go through life as a family. Learn to understand the changes in your child’s development and how to support them, whilst also strengthening your relationship.

Courses are currently available to residents of Bradford FREE using code BDPARENTS. 

Visit In Our Place now

SEND programmes

Have you heard about the new workshops and programmes to help guide, support and empower families who have children with SEND? 

These workshops cover communication, supporting behaviour and the sensory world.

Programmes available include:

  • Cygnet
  • Cygnet for sleep
  • Cygnet for siblings
  • Cygnet for puberty, sex and relationships
  • Early bird (for those who are on the pathway to being diagnosed with autism)
  • Portage (an education service for pre-school aged children with additional support needs and their families)
  • SEND together (a mini virtual programme for ALL parents of children with SEND who do NOT have an Autism diagnosis)

Click for more information and to apply

Time Out for Dads

This programme is for dads and step-dads of children 0 to 19.  It aims to increase the confidence of dads in their parenting, helping them to develop the dad-child relationship now and for the future. It covers strategies that dads can use to deal with anger and conflict and gives them an opportunity to meet other dads and share experiences in a supportive and encouraging environment.

What the sessions cover

  • the need and importance of dads
  • parenting goals and building self esteem
  • relationships and working out strategies for handling anger and conflict
  • importance of quality time and parenting styles
  • setting and maintaining boundaries and managing your child's behaviour
  • safety issues
  • issues at home
  • optional step-families

Programme length

2-hour session per week over 6 weeks

Here’s what other parents said after the programme

Dad A:

“The course was very useful in opening my eyes to family behaviours and how a different approach can have beneficial results.  It was good to meet with other Dads who although in very different circumstances had the same basic issues with behaviours.”

Dad B:

“I have got a lot out of the course with regards to how my dad had brought me up and how I would like my own parenting style to be for my son growing up. I especially enjoyed the family traditions and being aware of making memories with my family. I can’t recall any from my own upbringing and I feel sad to think my son could think like this if I don’t parent him in a certain way”

Dad C:

“At the start of the course I didn’t feel as relaxed as I do now and it’s really helped me and my child bond as well as teach me how to be calm around my child. Jennifer and Luanne made me feel really comfortable every week great people and I thank them for all the support and guidance they have both shown me. Thank you''

How to apply

Click here to apply now

Talking Teens

This programme is for parents of teenagers aged 11 to 18.It aims to ease the transition from childhood to adolescence by encouraging positive parenting and relationship building.

What the sessions cover

  • effective communication
  • relationship building
  • managing conflict
  • building self esteem
  • managing problem behaviour  

Programme length

6 sessions, 2 hours each over 4 weeks.

Here’s what other parents said after the programme

Parent A:

“Communication has made us have a better relationship and now I have a better understanding about what he is going though. The group felt really relaxed and Jennifer and Bev gave a lot of good advice and so did the other parents. I have really benefited from the course and I liked that it was not judgemental and that it gives a lot of advice.”

Parent B:

“It has given me the confidence to tackle my teenager’s behaviour when they are being difficult. I feel confident in doing that and if it doesn’t work once, I can try again or try a different strategy. I have absolutely loved the course and even though it was short, it was straight to the point and informative. The group was a diverse group and I learnt from the other parents too.  I was very comfortable and Jennifer and Bev are like a double act. You were both very good at helping and offering advice to help.”

How to apply

Click here to apply now

Who's in Charge

This programme is for parents and primary carers who care for children aged 8 to 18 years of age, who are abusive or violent towards them or who appear out of parental control.

Programme aims

  • reduce feelings of isolation, blame, guilt and shame
  • reinforce positive changes
  • explore anger, both that of the children and parents
  • clarify boundaries of what is acceptable and unacceptable behaviour
  • examine strategies for creating meaningful and practical consequences for unacceptable behaviour.
  • provide parents with some simple concepts that are proven to empower
  • encourage assertiveness
  • encourage self-care
  • reinforce progress and provide emotional support while parents are attempting to become more assertive parents.

What will the sessions cover?

  • Session 1: Introductions, questionnaires and creating genograms (family tree)
  • Session 2: Cause and influences of abusive behaviour
  • Session 3: What is abuse?
  • Session 4: What can I control in my child’s life?
  • Session 5: Consequences
  • Session 6: Anger and breaking the myths of anger
  • Session 7: Assertiveness
  • Session 8: Self-care, future goal setting and evaluation
  • Session 9: Two month follow up on goal achievement, evaluation and further goals

Programme length

2.5-hour session per week for 9 weeks

Here’s what other parents said after the programme

Parent A:

"I feel less embarrassed and less stigma around the situation. Being able to open up and admit what’s happened, has helped me feel more supported and that I’m not alone. I’ve realised I do have some control and have been able to put some strategies in place which he is starting to accept. I’d like to say a massive thank you to Kersty and Natalie, I do feel like this has had a huge impact especially in my own confidence to know I can do this and I can put control back in place”

Parent B:

“I haven’t had internal doors in my house for quite some time due to my son breaking them and I now feel things have calmed down a lot. We are coping with things a lot better using what I learnt on the course so I am now in a position where I feel able to replace the doors which is a big thing for me”

Parent C:

“I feel like I have taken back some control now and am feeling much more confident which is allowing me to give my son more freedom too which is working well, he had his first sleepover at a friend’s house which I was always too scared to allow before as I feared what would happen but it all went smoothly with no issues”

How to apply

Click here to apply now

Last updated: