What services can a school nurse provide?
We share information about healthy lifestyles and offer support to children and families at times when extra help is needed. This includes help with emotional difficulties and coping with long-term health conditions.
We also provide support, advice and signposting on a range of health issues that can affect a child or young person. These may include:
- emotional and mental health issues
- healthy eating and weight management
- continence issues
- immunisation advice and administration
- support for young carers
- health conditions requiring medication in school, and
- toilet training workshops for children with additional needs
We work with a range of different people like the school, GP, or other health and social care professionals.
Where needed and in agreement with a child or young person and their parents or carers (depending on their age), we can make a plan of care which may include school, signposting to information for you or completing a referral.