Implement communication support strategies and share
Implement communication support strategies and share
Implementing a programme of support
Once you have assessed and recognised when a child’s language is not developing typically, implementing a programme of support and working in partnership with parents/carers is vital for a child to close the language gaps and make progress.
Make observations and follow recommended activities to help inform assessment.
You will need to use a Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) assessment tool that meets the needs of the children.
Here are some key documents and information that will help you select the most effective and cost-efficient approaches to help improve children’s language outcomes.
Communication and language
Access resources, activity ideas and advice for teaching communication and language to early years children.
Resources are split into 3 areas based on the educational programmes:
These resourceswill help you when reviewing your current curriculum to make sure you are meeting the requirement of the revised communication and language area of learning.
As you make changes to your curriculum, consider what you want children to learn first and plan opportunities for them to achieve this.
Preparing for literacy
Improving communication, language and literacy in the early years
Language provides the foundation of thinking and learning and should be prioritised. High quality adult-child interactions are important and sometimes described as talking with children rather than just talking to children. Adults have a vital role to play in modelling effective language and communication. Use a wide range of approaches including shared reading, storytelling, and explicitly extending children’s vocabulary.
Four evidence informed strategies to promote high quality interactions with young children
Supporting children to become better communicators is one of the most powerful things we do as early years educators. Oral language skills are fundamental to children’s learning, thinking and emotional wellbeing. Children who can communicate well can make friends, play, resolve conflicts and tell us how they are feeling.
The evidence tells us that we should prioritise the development of children’s communication and language through socially-meaningful interactions. Children thrive on conversation and discussion with people they have a strong relationship with, focused on things they want to talk about.
How can professionals support children's talking and understanding of words?
Speech and language skills are vital for all children. Without these skills they will not reach their full potential.
Professionals who work with children are key to identifying when they are having difficulties learning to talk and understand words. This includes early years practitioners, teachers and health visitors. Across the UK, for 1.7 million children learning to talk and understand words feels like an impossible hurdle - this increases to one in four for those children living in disadvantaged areas of the UK. It's therefore essential that you understand how to identify and better support these children.
If you have concerns about a child’s talking and understanding of words, you should use our Progress Checker, and talk to the parents or carers to decide how you can best support the child to develop these skills. Ourseries of factsheets list useful techniques to use on a daily basis with pre-school and school-aged children.
The Bradford Library service has 27 libraries across the district which are language rich environments and can help support families with speech and language development.
Early Years Practitioners can access libraries too! Check out the following resources in libraries including:
Story Sacks – settings can borrow our extensive list of story sacks to support language development activities.
Book Ahead – library ticket for settings with no fines on late, lost or damaged books. Up to 12 week loan period.
Class Visits – arrange for your setting to visit their local library. Tickets for children can also be arranged.
Bradford Libraries Rhyme Challenge– during the 2022-23 Rhyme Challenge 98% of parents said the challenge had helped develop their child’s speech and language. Is your setting ready to take the challenge?
Tiny Happy People - Speech and Language targets
The BBC's Tiny Happy People has a page dedicated to speech and language target areas, including:
Incredible Years Preschool have been funded to deliver a brand new programme for families with children aged 3 to 4 years.
The programme will be suitable for any family that would like a bit of extra help with child attachment issues, language development concerns, their behaviour, or confidence with social situations.
Many families may benefit from this support – this is the generation of babies who were born during or just before the Covid pandemic, where opportunities to socialise were limited during critical stages of babies’ development.
Families can self-refer or practitioners can make a referral with consent.
You can also ask parents to attend one of our Wise Owl Language Development Advice drop in sessions. These sessions run until the end of February 2025 and details can be found on our Family Hub timetables and on our What's On calendar.
Parent pathway
All of the above resources can also be found via the Parent pathway. You can share this with parents if they've not already accessed it.