Road safety - accompanying children to school

Don't become a statistic

However your kids get to school - please help keep them and other road users safe

school keep clear road markings

Driving to school

  • Keep the school entrances clear.
  • Don’t cause congestion outside school, park further away and walk
  • Don’t stop on/or opposite ‘School Keep Clear’ zig zag markings. They are there to provide a clear area for children to cross the road safely.
  • Turn off your engine whilst waiting. This will cut pollution and harmful gases linked to asthma and other lung diseases.
  • Ensure children get out of the car on the pavement side.
  • Always make sure everyone wears their seat belt.
  • Children need a car seat or booster until they reach 135cm or 12 years old. High back boosters are recommended as they offer better protection as well as head and neck support.

Please don't stop on the zig-zags

The temptation is obvious - it's cold, it's wet, you're running late, and stopping further away might mean you can't see your child into school without parking and getting out of the car.

But the zig-zags are there for good reason. Any cars stopped or parked in the restricted area can hide children who are about to cross the road, meaning that they can't see approaching vehicles and drivers might not see them.

In addition to that, a penalty charge of £70 might be issued.

Walking and cycling to School - do you really need the car?

While not practical for everyone, children who walk, cycle or scoot to school are more alert and attentive when they get there than those who travel by car and the walk is good exercise for both you and them.

Walking from home to school and back is a great opportunity for children to learn the necessary skills to stay safe when they are older and go out and about on their own.

It's also free! Fuel isn't getting any cheaper and the savings can add up over time.

If your children ride a bike or scooter, please be sure they wear a properly fitted helmet, the bike or scooter is the right size for them and is in road worthy condition.


Park and Stride

Find out whether there is a Park and Stride scheme operating at your child’s school. These schemes allow you to park at an agreed location and walk the last part of the journey. If there’s not a scheme set up already, perhaps you could work with the school to organise one.