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Bradford Youth Service
Bradford Youth Service is a key to unlocking young people’s potential. We provide things to do, someone to talk to and places for young people to go. We provide opportunities for young people to participate in a range of activities, celebrate their achievements and become actively involved in their communities. We ensure that young people’s rights and responsibilities are central to our work. To find out what is available locally for young people, please contact your local youth centre or ring 01274 431485. You can keep up to date with Bradford Youth Service via Facebook – @bfdyouthservice We provide information and support - visit your local youth service centre to speak to a youth worker to get access to information and support on young people’s health, rights, education, training, housing, jobs, leisure, volunteering and much more. If you live in the Bradford area you can find information on the Youth Information Service - Bradford's website. We offer new experiences For thousands of young people from across the District who wish to take part in our wide range of activities including music events, outdoor challenges, international exchanges, song writing, drama, photography, film-making, environmental projects, cultural events and more. For information contact your nearest youth centre or ring 01274 431485.